1-5 July (arrival 30 June, departure 6 July)
€350 - Hostel accommodation
€500 - hotel accommodation
If you apply for the academic credits option, there’s an extra cost of €200.
Other Bible & Culture courses:
Revelation, the last book in the Bible, and the last book many of us study! For this week we will be engaging with John's text, to understand better its place in scripture and its relevance in today's world. We will understand how we may start to make sense of the imagery, we will look for patterns and structure that help us connect the flow of the book, we will hear this vital part of scripture as it speaks to us today, and we will learn how we can use this amazing text in our own lives and to teach and encourage others.
Instructor’s bio:
Martin Haizmann holds a Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe (LKT), and a Masters Degree in Culture and Theology from the Akademie für Weltmission, Korntal. In 1981 he began working for SMD (IFES in Germany) as a regional student worker, before becoming the head of University Student Ministry from 1985-2000. In 2001 Martin began working for IFES, first as the Regional Secretary for Europe (2001-2013) and then as Associate General Secretary (2013-2022). In ‘retirement’ Martin lectures in homiletics at the Evangelische Hochschule Tabor, in Marburg, Germany.