Biblical Worldview and Hope
in the 21st Century
Biblical Worldview and Hope in the 21st Century
24 - 28 June
(arrival 23 June, departures 29 June)
€350 - Hostel accommodation
€500 - hotel accommodation
If you apply for the academic credits option, there’s an extra cost of €200.
Other Bible & Culture courses:
Description: In this course we will understand the core elements that comprise a worldview; we will examine the opening chapters of the Bible as worldview text; we will conduct research in central Berlin to determine dominant ideas in contemporary European worldview; we will examine the thread of biblical worldview throughout scripture; and we will weigh the hope of biblical worldview against the dominant themes arising from our own research; we will consider how we might give reasons for the hope we have based on this analysis (including preparing short talks to deliver in peer groups).
Instructor’s bio: Tim serves as Director of IFES Graduate Impact. For the last 25 years, following 10 years working as a commercial property consultant, Tim has worked within the IFES family helping young Christian adults as they transition from university into working life. His double motivation is both the tragedy of seeing people struggle in their faith through their twenties, and also the great opportunity that working life represents as a lifelong context for sharing Christ with those detuned from the Gospel's truth. Tim has taught young Christian professionals and students in 40 different countries. He is also responsible for initiating the Bible and Culture training course (2007) and the Cross-Current mentoring programme (2012) which has been adopted for use in more than 40 countries. He earned an MA in Christian ethics from King’s College, London. Tim is married to Jo and they have three children two of whom are currently university students.