Cultural Apologetics
24 - 28 June
(arrival 23 June, departures 29 June)
€350 - Hostel accommodation
€500 - hotel accommodation
If you apply for the academic credits option, there’s an extra cost of €200.
Other Bible & Culture courses:
Description: Why are our times so polarised and angry? This course will help us understand key shifts in Western culture over the last century. We will then ask what we should expect when we pray, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done”. These two perspectives will help us see and experience why the Christian message is good news. Drawing on the book, “Rumours of a Better Country”, the course will provide some tools to explain to our non-Christian friends why Christianity is worth investigating.
Instructor’s bio: Marsh Moyle has been Director of a charity called Citygate (Citygate.org) since 1984, the purpose of which is to strengthen the witness of the Church by helping people to bridge the gap between the reality of Christ and everyday life. He is also on the team at English L'Abri (englishlabri.org). Marsh and his wife,Tuula, worked for 35 years in that part of the world once known as 'Eastern Bloc. During the Cold War, they smuggled books behind the Iron Curtain. His work in that region both under and after Communism give him a unique perspective from which to engage the cultural challenges of today. He teaches across central Europe, the USA, South Africa, and Brazil. He is the author of "Rumours of a Better Country" (IVP, 2023).