Christian Political Participation
in a Divided World
Christian Political Participation in a Divided World
24 - 28 June
(arrival 23 June, departures 29 June)
€350 - Hostel accommodation
€500 - hotel accommodation
If you apply for the academic credits option, there’s an extra cost of €200.
Other Bible & Culture courses:
This course is for all Christian citizens who want to strengthen the socio-political aspect of their Gospel witness. We will combine Biblical reflection with understanding the world around us and applying biblical wisdom to consider policies and how one can promote them appropriately. We will examine biblical values and how to engage as Christ’s ambassadors. We will explore both good and bad government, including the issues of truth and manipulation. Participants will engage in debate and shape potential campaigns together. Finally, we will consider our basis for hope and what Christians should be aiming to achieve.
Instructor’s bio:
Julia Doxat-Purser studied European Studies, specializing in modern history and politics. She served as the European Evangelical Alliance’s first Brussels representative, where her most significant work was on ensuring that European Union anti-discrimination legislation included flexibility for faith-based employers. For the last 25 years, Julia has been EEA’s socio-political representative and religious liberty coordinator. Her focus is to help Evangelicals engage in the public arena as effective ambassadors for Christ. She has built collaborative efforts to respond to issues like freedom of religion or belief or human trafficking. She creates resources to help evangelicals understand issues from a biblical perspective. Julia has taught politics at Bible & Culture and has been the politics mentor for the Cross-Current course. She and her husband Alistair live by the sea in the south of England.
Christel Lamère Ngnambi (M.A., Political Science and International Relations, Université Catholique de Louvain) is a Belgian-Cameroonian international policy analyst and public engagement specialist. He is a graduate in International Relations and Political Science as well as an author — Foi, politique et société (Ourania, 2010); Is God a Populist? (Skaperkraft / Frekk Forlag, 2019) —, teacher and speaker. With experience spanning European policy advocacy at the European Evangelical Alliance, focusing on human rights, poverty, migration, and environmental issues, as well as political think tank advice and academic teaching about globalisation, Christel now offers strategic and political communication consultancy. He is part of the Graduate Impact team, part of IFES Europe, mentoring groups of young adults. He also works as the CEO of imagoDei. Christel is based in Dusseldorf with his wife Victoria and their son Adam and enjoys cooking and playing African and Brazilian percussions.