4. Good ambition
“I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus has taken hold of me.” Philippians 3:12
In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul describes the Christians as citizens of heaven (1:27 and 3:20). This citizenship is more than just a badge; Paul sees it as a way of life! He says, “Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel” (1:27); “shine like stars in the sky” (2:15); “live up to what we have already attained” (3:16).
It is Paul’s greatest desire, that people saved by God’s grace and counted as citizens of God’s eternal kingdom, should live at every point in a way which reflects our salvation. Paul himself burns with this ambition: “I want to know Christ” (3:10), and a desire to follow Jesus and bring glory to God the Father. In fact everything Paul talks about in this letter is said in reference to Jesus. Jesus is the fixed reality, the compass north, the reference point through whom reality makes sense.
But Paul also warns about the peril of taking our eyes off Jesus: “Many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.” (Philippians 3:18-19). Be wise, be aware. The world’s bright lights await. Our world lives by a different agenda: ‘more is always better', ‘you only live once’, ‘life is no dress-rehearsal’… You will find yourself under constant pressure to take your eyes off Jesus, to lose sight of your heavenly citizenship, and instead to focus on the immediate, to build your own kingdom. Success. Heaven on earth, where Jesus becomes a lifestyle choice like good coffee on a Sunday morning.
As you transition from university into work, you may lose your focus. It can happen to us all. How can we prevent this from happening? It’s important to develop good habits. Don’t stop going to church if you move city. Don’t stay overnight with your boyfriend/girlfriend if they live far away.Build a support network around you. Find a friend, someone you can trust and who you know loves Jesus, and make a deal with them, giving each other permission to ask: Where is Jesus in your life? What are your big distractions? Where is your Christian support? And remember that no matter how often or how far you fall, there is always grace and forgiveness in Jesus.
Prayer -
Dear Lord, as I step into the next phase of life, I know that there will be so much going on that could take my eyes off you. Please help me to be ambitious to know you and to live in a way which reflects your grace. Amen.